This article is for personal plans only.
Are you an admin of a professional plan? Read our Business Terms and Conditions
You can request a full refund when you cancel within 30 days of buying your Dashlane subscription. How you request your refund depends on how you paid for your Dashlane subscription.
Note: You can usually expect your refund within 5 to 10 days. However, processing times may vary. Contact your bank if you don't see your refund in that timeframe.
Get a refund for a subscription you bought on the Dashlane website with a credit card
Request your refund directly in the web app when you cancel your subscription.
- Go to the My account menu in the web app and select Subscription.
- Select Cancel your subscription.
- We'll ask why you're canceling. Select a reason and then select Cancel subscription.
- Select request a refund. We'll refund your credit card within three to five business days.
Important: If you already canceled your subscription and can't find the page where you select request a refund, you can get help through our support chatbot. Open the chatbot by selecting the Chat with bot icon, shown as a speech bubble, at the bottom of any Help Center page. In the chatbot, follow the prompts and briefly describe your issue.
Learn how to use our support chatbot
Get a refund for a plan you bought on our website with PayPal
If you bought your subscription on our website with PayPal, you can get help through our support chatbot. We'll need the invoice number on your PayPal receipt. You can find the PayPal receipt in your email or in your PayPal account.
Get a refund for a plan you bought in Google Play
If you paid for Dashlane in the Google Play Store, you can get help through our support chatbot. We'll need the Google account you use to access Google Play and the transaction ID from when you bought your Dashlane plan.
Your transaction ID looks like this example: GPA.1234-4567-8901-23456. You can find your transaction ID on the Google receipt. You can find the Google receipt in your email or in your order history in Google Play.
Review your order history in Google Play