If you're part of a paid Dashlane Business or Business Plus plan, you have access to the Friends & Family plan at no extra cost. The Friends & Family plan is included with Dashlane Business or Business Plus plan but not other professional plans.
More about the Friends & Family plan
How do I get Friends & Family as a Business or Business Plus plan member?
After you join a Dashlane Business or Business Plus plan, you'll receive an email asking if you want to add the Friends & Family plan to your account. To access your Friends & Family plan, you need to follow the email's instructions—even if you're an admin of the Business plan.
When you add the Friends & Family plan to your account, make sure to use the work email address that you also use to log into Dashlane.
After completing this step, you can access your Friends & Family plan. You can also invite your family and friends to enjoy Dashlane. Copy the invitation link in your Friends & Family Dashboard and send the link to the people you want to invite. The invitations don't expire.
What happens after I leave Dashlane?
If your Dashlane Business or Business Plus plan ends, your Friends & Family plan is no longer active for you or the other members you invited. When the Friends & Family plan becomes inactive, all members receive an email saying the plan has expired.
What plan do I have when the Friends & Family plan ends?
In general, if you didn't have a plan before joining your current Friends & Family plan, you'll have Dashlane Free after the plan ends. Otherwise, you'll go back to the plan you had before. If you want to sign up for the Friends & Family plan again, you'll need to buy the plan.
If you're the main plan member and use single sign-on (SSO) to log in to your Dashlane account, you won't have a Dashlane account when the plan ends. If you want to continue using Dashlane, you'll need to create a new Dashlane account with a personal email address.
What happens to my data when the Friends & Family plan ends?
If you're part of someone else's Friends & Family plan, you keep any data you've already saved in Dashlane when the plan ends.
If you're the main member of the Friends & Family plan and have a Dashlane account protected by a Master Password, you'll keep any personal data saved in your Dashlane account. Any data saved in your Business Space might be removed from your vault when the plan ends, depending on your organization's policies.
Use Spaces to separate your personal and work logins
If you're the main plan member and use single sign-on (SSO) to log in to your Dashlane account, you won't have an account when the plan ends. If you've created a new account with a personal email address, you can transfer any personal data to the new account.
Move your data to a new Dashlane account
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