This article is for members of professional plans.
If you're an admin of a professional plan, learn about Spaces in this article instead
Important: Some accounts don't have Spaces. Your account should be used for work-related logins only. You might need to contact your admin if you want to export logins and your ability to export is turned off.
You can store personal and work logins, payments, Secure Notes, and IDs in your Dashlane account. For Business and Business Plus plan members, secrets are stored by default in the Business Space, but you can move them to your Personal Space. Spaces help you keep your personal logins separate and private.
The benefits of Spaces for plan members
With Spaces, you can organize your logins, payments, Secure Notes, secrets, and IDs in a Personal Space and a Business Space.
View the Password Health of your personal data, separately
You can view the Password Health score for only your Personal Space or Business Space, or both together. This can help you have a better sense of your personal password security versus your password security as it relates to your organization.
Protect the privacy of your personal data
Your admin can view the Password Health score of your Personal and Business Spaces together. But they can’t view any specific information about anything in your Personal Space. That way, you can keep your personal data secure and private.
More about the Password Health score
How admins use Spaces to view your organization’s Password Health
Keep your personal data if you leave your organization
Your admin can force all of your logins with work-related domains into your Business Space and prevent you from exporting them if you leave the plan. However, you can still export all of the logins and other data from your Personal Space. You can also move any logins without work-related domains to your Personal Space at any time, and you can move anything to your Business Space.
How admins can prevent you from exporting Business Space data
View items in your Personal or Business Space, separately
Your Personal Space is called "Personal," and your Business Space is called by the name of your organization. To view items in your Personal or Business Space, select All Spaces from the homepage of the web or mobile app, and then the Space you want to view.
When you select a Space, you only see items in that Space. That includes logins, payments, Secure Notes, secrets, and IDs. Password Health will also only show the score for the Space you selected. Select All Spaces to see the items in both Spaces again.
View items separately by space in the web app
View items separately by space in the Android app
View items separately by space in the iPhone app
Move an item to a different Space
When you add new items to your Dashlane account, they go into the Space that’s currently selected. If you have All Spaces selected, they go into your Personal Space by default. When you import items to Dashlane, you're prompted to choose which Space you want to import to.
Note: Your admin can force logins with work-related domains to stay in your Business Space.
After you add or import items, you can move them between your Business and Personal Spaces as you want.
To move an item from one Space to another on the web or mobile app, select the item you want to move, select the current Space, and then select the Space you want to move it to:
Move an item between spaces in the web app
Move an item between spaces in the Android app
Move an item between spaces in the iOS (Apple) app
Can I create a new Space?
No, you can’t create a new Space. Spaces help keep your personal items separate from your work items, so there are only two Spaces on your account. If you want to organize your logins and Secure Notes further, we recommend using Collections.
Organize your logins and Secure Notes with Collections