This article is for Dashlane Business or Business Plus plan members who have received Slack messages from Dashlane. If you're a plan admin and want to set up this feature, see Nudges in Dashlane
We’ll send you a Slack message called a nudge when you have compromised, weak, or reused passwords for any login stored in your Dashlane vault. You’ll only get a nudge if your organization has set up Slack nudges for Dashlane.
The admin of your Dashlane plan defines the frequency of the nudges and the days and times you receive these alerts. Each nudge tells you how many compromised, weak, or reused passwords you have and asks you to promptly update to more secure passwords. The more compromised, weak, and reused passwords, the lower your score.
What's a compromised password? | What's a weak password? | What's a reused password?
You can use Dashlane to create and store secure, unique passwords for every new login. You can also update an existing password using the Dashlane app.
What do I do when I get a nudge?
- In the Slack nudge you received from Dashlane, select Take action in Dashlane to go to the web app and your Dashlane Password Health page, where you’ll see which logins you need to change.
More about the Password Health page
- On the Password Health page, select Change password on one of the logins to see steps for updating your password. You'll need to update the password on the website or app for the login, and then save your new password in Dashlane.
Important: Make sure to use Dashlane to generate unique passwords for every login.
Generate strong passwords using Dashlane
In the Change your password pop-up, select Go to [website name].
- Change your password for the site or app. The process for changing your password will differ depending on the site or app. In general, you can start by opening your account or security settings and looking for an option to change your password.
- When the site asks you to enter your new password, select the new password field. If you’re logged in to Dashlane, the Dashlane Password Generator pops up.
- Select Use generated password to autofill a strong, unique password.
You can also select the customization icon, shown as three horizontal lines with circles, to open the full Password Generator and customize the length of your password or the characters used. When you’re ready, select Use generated password to autofill your new password.
- Dashlane will ask you if you want to update the existing login or create a new one. Select the login you’re updating, and Dashlane will save the new password for that login in your vault.
How to generate a password using Dashlane
- Make sure to save your new password on the website or app.
Note: You can also see labels showing if a password is compromised, weak, or reused when Dashlane autofills the login info to log in to your websites.
Common questions about Nudges
What happens if I don’t update my passwords after I receive a nudge?
You’re basically leaving the door open for hackers. Your data, and therefore your organization's data, are considered compromised. This can lead to unauthorized transactions, identity theft, and other similar risks.
Use Dashlane's Password Generator to generate a new and unique password for each account.
Can the admin of the plan or Dashlane see my passwords?
Your data is never accessible to anyone else other than you. Our zero-knowledge architecture ensures that no one, not even Dashlane or the admin of your plan, can access your data.
The Dashlane Slack integration is also secured with confidential computing technology, which means Dashlane can't view or access your Slack workspace.
Security at DashlaneDashlane’s Security Principles & Architecture white paper