Dark Web Insights is a tool available to admins of Dashlane professional plans. This tool helps admins detect, assess, and limit security risks in their organizations.
Dark Web Insights can identify vulnerabilities across all employees in an organization, even employees who don't have a Dashlane account. The tool monitors the dark web for employee email addresses to find domain-wide breaches and for compromised organization information.
More about Dashlane's security and compliance at trust.dashlane.com
Note: You can only monitor one domain with Dark Web Insights. You can change the domain you're monitoring by deleting the current domain and adding another one. However, if your plan uses single sign-on (SSO), you can only use Dark Web Insights for the domain you used to set up the tool.
Access Dark Web Insights
- Select the Dashlane icon in your browser’s toolbar. Enter your admin Master Password if prompted.
- In the extension pop-up, select More and then Open the Admin Console.
- In the Tools section, select Dark Web Insights.
If you've already set up Dark Web Insights, Dashlane takes you straight to the tool. If you haven't set up Dark Web Insights, you'll see the option to verify your domain.
Verify your domain for Dark Web Insights
Use Dark Web Insights
After you set up Dark Web Insights and run an initial scan, you can see your results in the Dark Web Insights section of the Admin Console.
If Dashlane finds a breach, this page will list the affected employee email addresses, the number of incidents, the date of the last incident, and the current member status of the affected employees. You'll also see the type of data that was involved in the breach for each member, such as usernames, passwords, credit card numbers, and IP addresses.
To download an export CSV of the list, select Download CSV. The CSV file includes:
- Emails affected by an incident
- Domains of the affected emails
- Data affected, such as usernames and passwords
- Dates of the incidents
- View status of each item—whether items are "new" to the report since the last time you exported or "viewed" because they were included the last time you exported
Note: You might also see breaches for employees who are no longer employed at your organization.
If an employee's data has been breached, but they aren't members of your Dashlane plan yet, you can invite them.
- In the Dark Web Insights tool, select Invite for their email address. To invite all non-plan member employees at the same time, select Invite all.
- In the pop-up, add or delete emails from the invite list and select Send invites.
Plan members can also manage their own dark web breaches with Dark Web Monitoring because Dashlane automatically enrolls and monitors their work email addresses. Plus, they’ll receive alerts and the next steps if their data is compromised.
For new breaches, a red box appears in the Dashboard of the Admin Console telling you that we found new incidents. Red dots also appear on the new breaches that appear on the Dark Web Insights page.
More about security alerts and Dark Web Monitoring
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