If you have a Dashlane account, you can move your logins from your iCloud Keychain into Dashlane in three steps. If you don't have an account, you can create one for free or sign up for one of our paid plans.
Download Dashlane to create your account
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Still deciding if you want to move your data from iCloud Keychain? Check out our blog post on the safety and reliability of iCloud Keychain
Step 1: Export your data from your iCloud Keychain
Export your logins from your iCloud Keychain to a CSV file. You can only export your iCloud Keychain data from your Mac computer, not your iPhone or iPad. If you have any problems exporting, contact Apple support.
Steps to export your data from your iCloud Keychain
You can only export your iCloud Keychain data from your Mac computer, not your iPhone or iPad.
Apple doesn't provide information on its website for exporting data from your iCloud Keychain. Try these steps or contact Apple customer support.
- From the Apple menu in the browser toolbar, select System Preferences or Settings, depending on your macOS version.
- In the pop-up, select Passwords in the left menu. If asked, use Touch ID or enter the password you use to access your device.
- Next, select the 3-dot menu and then Export All Passwords.
- Confirm by selecting Export Passwords.
- Choose where you want to save the file and select Save.
- If asked, confirm with TouchID or by entering your device password.
Step 2: Import your data from iCloud Keychain into Dashlane
Import your iCloud Keychain CSV file into Dashlane using our web app or Android app. You can't import a CSV file to Dashlane using the iOS (Apple) app, the Dashlane macOS app, or the Dashlane Safari extension.
Important: CSV files aren't encrypted, and others can read them. Delete the CSV file from your device after you import your data.
Import your iCloud Keychain data with the web app
- Open Logins or Secure Notes in the side menu and then select Import data in the top menu.
In the My account menu, select Settings and then Import data.
- In the Import source menu, select Other CSV. Then select Get Started.
- Drag your iCloud Keychain CSV file to the app or select browse your computer files to search for it, and then select Next. If you're a professional plan member, choose whether to import your data to your Personal or Business Space, then select Next.
- Preview your import. You can change whether Dashlane imports an item as a Login or a Secure Note. Professional plan members can choose whether specific items go to their Personal or Business Space.
- Select Import items. You'll see a confirmation with the number of items imported.
Import your iCloud Keychain data with the Android app
- Select + Add new, Logins, and then Want to import multiple logins?
- Select From another password manager and then Select file.
- Select the CSV file that you exported from your iCloud Keychain and select Import.
Apple allows you to export logins only. So your import will include logins but not other data. Information that we couldn't import to a specific field will appear in the Note section of each login.
If you have any issues with import, check out the common problems at the end of this article, including using the Dashlane CSV template to prepare and import your data.
Solve problems with your data import
Step 3: Turn off iCloud Keychain and set up autofill
After you've moved your data into Dashlane, turn off iCloud Keychain on your computer or mobile device. Follow the steps on Apple's support website that you would use to turn iCloud Keychain on. On the last step, turn Keychain off instead.
Turn iCloud Keychain on and off
If you're using an iOS mobile device, you also need to make sure that you've selected Dashlane to autofill your information in your device settings.
Turn autofill on for Dashlane on your iOS device
If you want to use Dashlane on Safari: With the new Dashlane Safari extension, you can use more of Dashlane's features and tools without needing to open the separate Dashlane macOS app. You have access to our feature-rich extension pop-up and in-browser vault view, as well as the best Autofill capabilities that Dashlane has to offer.
Get started with the Dashlane Safari extension