You can select Keep me logged in for 14 days when entering your Master Password in the Dashlane extension. If you select this option, you'll stay logged in to the extension and web app for two weeks even if you close your browser. You can also stay logged in to the macOS app by turning on the option in your app settings.
Depending on your plan and settings, the option to stay logged in might not work, or you might not see the option at all. If you're having a problem staying logged in, read this article for more information and possible solutions.
The option to stay logged in isn't working
I don't see an option to stay logged in
Tip: If you want Dashlane to ask for your Master Password every time you open your app, don't select the checkbox to stay logged in for 14 days. If you're already logged in to the extension, you can log out and then log back in again to clear the checkbox. In the macOS app, go to your settings and turn the option off.
The option to stay logged in isn't working
The option to stay logged in won't work in these situations:
You opened your browser before connecting to the internet
For the option to work in the Dashlane web app, you need to connect to the internet before opening your browser. If you open the browser while offline, the Dashlane extension might not remember that you've turned this option on. Make sure you're connected to the internet, and then close and reopen your browser.
Your admin for your professional plan has turned on automatic log-out
If you get Dashlane through your work, your organization can turn on a setting that logs you out automatically when your computer is inactive for a certain period of time. The period can be 15, 30, or 60 minutes, depending on the settings. Ask your admin if they've turned on this setting.
You've turned on PIN unlock or biometric unlock for the web app
When you turn on the setting PIN unlock or Biometric unlock, you can open the web app with your fingerprint, PIN code, or security key instead of your Master Password. These settings turn off the option to stay logged in for 14 days in the Dashlane web app.
When you close and reopen your browser, you're still technically logged in. But we'll ask for your fingerprint, PIN code, or security key when you open Dashlane.
You might need to wait a few seconds for the extension to remember that you have biometric unlock turned on.
You've cleared the cache in your browser
Clearing the cache erases settings saved in your browser like Keep me logged in for 14 days, so this process might turn off the option to stay logged in for the Dashlane web app. Clearing the cache also logs you out of the web app if you have a passwordless Dashlane account. If you have accounts linked across devices, clearing your cache in one place can affect all your devices.
View the clear cache setting in these browsers:
You've turned on an automatic "clear data" setting in your browser
Some browsers offer an option to clear the "cache" where browser data is stored whenever you close the browser. If this setting is turned on, we can't keep you logged in to the web app when you close your browser. Not all browsers have this setting.
Turn off the automatic clear cache setting for these browsers:
You logged out manually
If you log out from the web app or extension, this option turns off automatically. To turn it back on, you'll need to log back in and select the option again.
You're using the macOS app and you have 2-factor authentication (2FA) turned on for every time you log in to Dashlane
When you turn on 2FA for your Dashlane account, you have the option to turn on the setting for every time you log in to Dashlane or only when you log in on new devices.
Normally, when you turn on 2FA for every time you log in to Dashlane, you don't see the option to stay logged in for 14 days. However, sometimes the option still appears in the settings of the macOS app. In this situation, the option to stay logged in doesn't work.
If you're in this situation and you want to stay logged in for 14 days, you’ll need to turn off 2FA. If you want, you can then turn 2FA back on again and select the option to only use 2FA when you log in on new devices.
I don't see an option to stay logged in for 14 days
In these situations, you won't see the 14-day option when you log in to the extension or in the settings of the macOS app:
- You have 2-factor authentication (2FA) turned on for every time you log in to Dashlane. You might still see the option in the settings of the macOS app in this situation, but the option won't work.
- You've turned on the PIN unlock or biometric unlock setting.
- You get Dashlane through work and log in using single sign-on (SSO). SSO means you use one login application to access Dashlane and other work accounts. If you don't know whether you have SSO, ask your plan admin.
- You're logging in on this device for the first time or recently removed the device you're using from the list of devices authorized to use your Dashlane account.
Use Dashlane on a new device
Manage the devices you've added to Dashlane - You have a passwordless Dashlane account. With a passwordless Dashlane account, you'll stay logged in for 14 days automatically unless you clear your cache. You can set up a PIN code to lock and unlock the web app while you're logged in.
You can't stay logged in using the Dashlane mobile apps. Instead, you can turn on Biometric unlock to make opening Dashlane on your phone quick and easy.
Open the Android app with your fingerprint or PIN code
Open the Dashlane Apple app with Face ID, Touch ID, or a PIN
Still need help?
If this article didn't answer your question, you might have a temporary problem with your app or browser.
Check out our article on fixing common problems with your app or browser