You can uninstall Dashlane to remove our app from your phone or computer. After uninstalling Dashlane, you can reinstall Dashlane anytime.
Uninstalling Dashlane doesn't cancel your subscription, delete your Dashlane account, or stop emails from Dashlane. If you've paid for Dashlane and want to use Dashlane Free instead, you must cancel your current plan. If you want to leave Dashlane altogether, you can delete your account. Deleting your account erases all data linked to your account and stops emails from Dashlane.
Cancel your subscription
Delete your account
How do I stop receiving emails from Dashlane?
Warning! If you have a passwordless account, make sure you're logged in on at least one other device or have access to an account recovery key before uninstalling. Otherwise, you could lose access to your data.
What happens if I'm logged out of my passwordless account on all devices?
Uninstall the Dashlane extension
To remove the Dashlane extension from your Safari browser, you need to uninstall the Dashlane macOS app
The Dashlane extension is the version of Dashlane you install in web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge. You can use the Dashlane extension in your browser on most computers, including Windows, Mac, Linux, and more.
You can also remove extensions from your browser's extension settings:
- Select the extensions menu, shown as a puzzle piece or a cardboard box in most browsers.
- Select Manage extensions.
- Select Remove next to the Dashlane extension.
- Confirm by selecting Remove again in the pop-up.
Example of extension settings in Microsoft Edge:
Uninstall Dashlane on Android
Note: Make sure all your data is backed up on our servers before you uninstall Dashlane. To check that your data is syncing to our servers, log in to Dashlane in a web browser and make sure all your data is visible.
Sync your data
- Find the Dashlane app icon on your Android device.
- Hold your finger on the icon until a pop-up opens.
- Select Uninstall.
- In the pop-up, select OK.
You can also go to your device Settings and select Applications or Apps. Then select Dashlane in the app menu and Uninstall. In the pop-up, select OK.
Go to the Google Play Store to reinstall Dashlane on your Android device.
Download Dashlane from Google Play
Uninstall Dashlane on iPhone or iPad
Note: Make sure all your data is backed up on our servers before you uninstall Dashlane. To check that your data is syncing to our servers, log in to Dashlane in a web browser and make sure all your data is visible.
Sync your data
- Find the Dashlane app icon on the main iOS home screen.
- Hold your finger down on the icon until a menu opens.
- Select Remove App.
To reinstall Dashlane on your iPhone or iPad, go to the Apple App Store.
Download Dashlane from the Apple App Store
Uninstall the macOS app and Safari extension
Important: This process uninstalls both the Dashlane macOS app from your computer and the Dashlane extension from your Safari browser.
- Quit the Dashlane macOS app if you have it open.
- In Safari, go to Settings (or Preferences in older versions of Safari) and select the Extensions tab.
- In the pop-up, clear the Dashlane checkbox and select Uninstall.
- Select Show in Finder to go to the Applications folder.
- Move the Dashlane icon from the Applications folder to the Trash or Bin in the dock. Alternatively, you can right-click on the application and select Move to Trash or Move to Bin.
- If asked, enter your computer password or use Touch ID to confirm that you want to delete the application.
- Right-click on the Trash or Bin icon in your dock. Select Empty Trash or Empty Bin to permanently delete the app.