This article is about Dashlane personal plans. Are you the admin of a Dashlane professional plan?
Cancel your subscription for a professional plan
You can cancel your subscription to a Dashlane personal plan at any time. When you cancel, you keep your plan until the end of your billing period, but we turn off autorenewal for your subscription.
What happens to my plan and data when I cancel my subscription?
When you cancel your subscription, you keep your plan until your current billing period ends. You keep any data you've saved in your Dashlane account when your subscription ends.
After your subscription ends, you have Dashlane Free. If you no longer want Dashlane Free, you can delete your account. Deleting your account removes all your data from Dashlane.
Delete your Dashlane account
Compare Dashlane Free and paid plans
How do I stop receiving Dashlane emails after I cancel my subscription?
The only way to stop receiving all emails from Dashlane is to delete your account. Deleting your Dashlane account erases all your data, including logins and any personal information linked to your account. This process also erases all financial data associated with the account.
How do I stop receiving emails from Dashlane?
Delete your Dashlane account
Do I need to cancel my Dashlane free trial?
If you have a Dashlane free trial, you don't need to cancel your subscription. Your plan ends automatically at the end of the trial period. You'll have Dashlane Free unless you buy a subscription to another Dashlane plan. You don't lose any data saved in Dashlane when the trial ends.
The process for canceling your subscription depends on how you paid for Dashlane.
I don't know where I paid for Dashlane
I paid with PayPal or in the Google Play or Apple App stores
You need to cancel directly with the company you used to pay for Dashlane:
- Cancel an automatic payment in PayPal
- Cancel a subscription with Google Play
- Cancel a subscription with Apple
I paid on the Dashlane website with a credit card
You can cancel directly in the Dashlane web app. This option is only available if you paid with a credit card on our website.
- From the My account menu in the web app, select Subscription.
- On the Subscription page, select Cancel your subscription in the right panel.
- On the next page, select Continue cancellation.
If you want a refund, you can start the process after you cancel, as the refund link appears in the right panel after the cancellation is complete. Don't leave until you've requested your refund.
Get a refund for my Dashlane subscription
Important: If you already canceled your subscription and can't find the page where you select Request refund, you can get help through our support chatbot. Open the chatbot by selecting the Chat with bot icon, shown as a speech bubble, at the bottom of any Help Center page. In the chatbot, follow the prompts and briefly describe your issue.
Learn how to use our support chatbot
I'm having trouble canceling my subscription
You can get help canceling your subscription through our support chatbot. Follow the steps in the preceding section.