You can change the appearance of any Dashlane app to a dark color scheme, which is also called “dark theme” or "dark mode."
Dark theme in Dashlane, as in other apps and services, changes the traditional interface from a light color scheme to a darker, inverted color scheme. Dark theme lowers the overall brightness of your device's screen and some content may stand out more. Dark theme is perfect for nighttime or to help your mobile device's battery last longer.
Use the dark theme in the web app, extension, and Admin Console
With one setting, you can change the Dashlane web app, extension, pop-ups, and the Admin Console for professional plans to appear in a light or dark theme or match your system settings. The default color scheme is light.
If your computer is set to the dark theme and you want the web app, extension, and Admin Console to match, you need to make the change with these steps:
- In the web app, open the My account menu and select Settings.
- In the Settings menu, select Appearance.
- In the Color theme section, select an option.
The web app, extension, and Admin Console will automatically change to the color theme you choose. You can change the color theme anytime.
Examples of dark theme
Extension in dark theme
Web app in dark theme
Admin Console for professional plans in dark theme
Use the dark theme on the Android app
Android 10 and later
If you're using Android 10 or later and want to use the dark theme with the Dashlane Android mobile app, you need to change your Android device to use the dark color scheme.
- Open Settings on your device. You make this change on your device, not in the Dashlane app.
- Select Display.
- Select Dark.
After the device changes to the dark color scheme, the Dashlane app automatically changes to dark. You can change the color theme anytime.
Example of dark theme from a Samsung Galaxy S20 with Android 13:
Add a dark theme tile to your quick settings
If you're using Android 10 or later, you can add a "Dark theme" system button, or "tile," to your quick settings menu. Adding a tile makes it easier to change between dark and light themes.
- Open your quick settings.
- Select the button or menu item to edit your quick settings.
- Drag the Dark theme tile to where you want to place it among your other quick settings.
Now, you can switch the dark theme on and off from your quick settings.
Android 9 and earlier
If you're using Android 9 or earlier, you can use Dashlane's dark theme, but it's not a device-wide setting. Instead, you turn on the dark theme only for the Dashlane app.
- In your Android Dashlane app, open Settings.
- Select General.
- In the Display section, turn on Dark theme.
The Dashlane app automatically changes to the dark theme. You can change the color theme anytime.
Use the dark theme on the iPhone/iPad app
You need to change your iOS device to the dark theme to use the Dashlane iPhone or iPad app in the dark theme.
- Go to Settings on your iPhone or iPad. You make this change on your device, not in the Dashlane app.
- Select Display & Brightness.
- For Appearance, select Dark.
After the device changes to the dark theme, the Dashlane app automatically changes to dark. You can change the color theme anytime.
Example of dark theme in the iPhone app:
Visit Apple's article about using dark mode on your iPhone or iPad
Use the dark theme on the macOS app
To use the dark theme on the Dashlane macOS app, you need to change your macOS device to the dark theme. You make this change on your device, not in the Dashlane app.
- Select the Apple icon in the browser toolbar and then select System Preferences or System Settings, depending on your macOS version.
- Select Appearance and then select Dark.
After your device changes to the dark theme, the Dashlane app automatically changes to dark. You can change the color theme anytime.
Example of dark theme in the macOS app:
Visit Apple's article about switching your macOS device to a dark theme
Important: If the Dashlane app appears too dark, check if you have a dark reader extension installed. If so, Dashlane’s dark theme can appear darker than intended.